CHC Definition

Welcome to your CHC Definition

1. What does CHC stands for and explain it's function.

2. This process is a vital component of patient care quality.

3. Formerly known as department of public welfare.

4. What does LTSS stands for, what it's function?

5. HCBS stands for which of the following is the correct answer?

6. An agency hired by the state to help people with eligibility and enrollment process for CHC, HCBS and Nursing homes.

7. A payment mode where services are unbundled and paid for separately.

8. This refers to the delivery of long term services and supports through capitated Medicaid care programs.

9. Uses this services especially people with disabilities to make employment possible and carry out activities such as bathin, dressing etc.

10. This program allows the federal government to provide Medicaid-funded services to people residing in an institute or nursing home to receive long term goal care.