CHC | Community HealthChoices managed care organization; These are the health insurance plans that will be responsible for the physical health care and LTSS of their enrolled participants |
COMMONWEALTH | An independent country or community, especially democratic republic. |
COMMUNITY OF CARE | is the sharing, coordination and integration of medical information among different providers to support patient care across multiple points in time and multiple care settings. This process is a vital component of patient care quality. |
DHS | The state Department of Human Services (formerly known as the Department of Public Welfare. |
FEE-FOR-SERVICE | is a payment model where services are unbundled and paid for separately. In healthcare, it gives an incentive for physicians to provide more treatments because payment is dependent on the quantity of care, rather than quality of care. |
HCBS | home and community based services (also called waiver services). |
INDEPENDENT ENROLLMENT BROKER (IEB) | Independent Enrollment Broker; An agency hired by the sate to help people with the eligibility and enrollment process for CHC, HCBS and nursing homes. |
LTSS | Long term services and supports; Services and supports to assist individuals to perform routine daily activities such as bathing, dressing, preparing meals and taking medications. |
MANAGED CARE PROGRAM | Managed care plans are a type of health insurance. They have contracts with healthcare providers and medical facilities to provide care for members at reduced costs. These providers make up the plan’s network. |
MLTSS | Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) refers to the delivery of long term services and supports through capitated Medicaid managed care programs. |
PERSONAL ASSISTANCE SERVICE | For many individuals with disabilities, personal assistance services (PAS) help make employment possible. Some people use PAS to carry out activities night include getting up and ready for work, bathing, dressing, cooking, cleaning or running errands. |
WAIVER | The way in which the federal government, waiving federal rules, allows states to provide Medicaid-Funded services to people residing in the community who would otherwise be an institute or nursing home to receive long-term goal. |
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