Non-Discrimination and Harassment
MSI retains the right to maintain a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. All employees contracted employees, and non employees who conduct business with the company are expected to work in a professional environment free of inappropriate and disruptive behaviour.
Discrimination against any individual based upon protected status, which is defined as age, ancestry, colour, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, military status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status, is prohibited and may lead to immediate termination of the offender.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT is defined as an unwelcome physical or verbal behaviour of a sexual nature when:
a.Submission to or rejection of the conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment.
b.Submission to or rejection of is used as the basis for employment decisions.
c.The conduct substantially interferes with employment or creates and intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
MSI encourages reporting of all perceived harassment (of any kind) or discrimination regardless of the individual’s identity or position. MSI also encourages individuals who believe they are being harassed or discriminated against to firmly and promptly inform the offender that his/her behaviour is not acceptable. If this communication is found to be ineffective, or if the victim feels uncomfortable with confronting the offender, the following steps should be taken:
a.Report the incident to management, the president, vice-president, CEO, Owners or any member of the BOD, whichever he or she feels most comfortable to approach.
b.Report promptly to activate swift response and appropriate action and avoid stress to employee relationships. (Late reporting will not result in a neutralized response or insufficient action.)c. There will be absolutely no retaliation against an individual who files a report of sexual or other harassment.
d.All employees are asked to report any incidences that they are aware, in the event that the victim is unable or unwilling to report the incident.
All reports of harassment or discrimination will be promptly investigated in a confidential manner to protect individual privacy. The obligation of MSI to interview the alleged offender and/or any witnesses to the incident should not be construed as a breach of confidentiality.
MSI will communicate the conclusions of its investigation to the person/persons filing the complaint and to the alleged offender. Written documentation will be provided to the individual reporting any incident at the conclusion of the investigation. If the investigations determine that harassment has occurred, the offender will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment in the case of an employee, or termination of services with an independent contractor or vendor. If the investigation concludes that the complainant falsely accused another individual in a knowingly or malicious manner, the complainant shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Categories of Employment
The first 6 months of employment is considered a probationary period for all full time employees. Employees are employed on either full-time or part-time basis.
FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES are employees scheduled to work 40 hours per week.
PART-TIME EMPLOYEES are scheduled to work with a minimum of 20 hours per week.
Working Hours, Lunch and Break Time
MSI observes a 40-hour work week which runs from Monday to Saturday. All employees need to clock in at their scheduled time in and clock out at the end of the shift in the company’s timekeeping system. Because of the nature of the business, work schedule may vary depending on the designated position. This can be checked with the Team Leads or Manager.
All employees working 8 hours a day are required to have a one (1) hour unpaid lunch in between the shift and entitled to a 30 minutes paid break. Employees working 6 hours a day should have at least 30 minutes to 1 hour unpaid lunch and entitled to a 15-minute paid break.
If working less than 6 hours no lunch is required, at discretion of management. And 15 min break only.
If working more than 6. Mandatory 1 hour lunch and 2 x 15 min breaks, not 30 min break.
In general all shifts will be 4 or 8 hours.
You must clock out for any and all breaks using clock out for break function on time clock. Any break greater than 15 minutes in duration or in which you leave the building grounds is not permitted, and will be deducted from your wages.Breaks may not be taken within the first hour or last hour of your shift. Taking of paid breaks is not required, and may not be accumulated. If you work between 2 and 6 hours, you receive only one 15 minute break. You must be clocked out either for lunch, break, or end of day whenever you are not working, including restroom breaks, smoke breaks, texting or taking personal calls, etc.
Summary of Wages and Benefits
The first cut off for MSI employees is every 1st of the month until the 15th and the second cut off is every 16th until the end of the month. The salary for the first cut off will be given every 25th of the month and the salary for the second cut off will be given on the 10th of the following month. The gap between the end of cut off and pay date is to give the payroll master ample time to compute payroll.
Your job pay rate is the amount of money you receive for your services to MSI. MSI recognizes that both employee and the company benefit when fair wages are paid. To establish fair wages, job evaluations are conducted which measure the job assigned to an employee. Employees are evaluated according to how well the employee meets his or her responsibilities, and adherence to the mission statement and policies of the company.
MSI will follow DOLE formulary for calculating overtime rendered over 8 hours per shift.
Your job requires that you to not refuse to work overtime when your supervisor believes it is necessary there is a legitimate business reason according to DOLE regulations and to maintain the high quality of service we intend to provide our customers. However, your supervisor will always attempt to give you adequate notice of the necessity for your overtime. Additionally, any overtime worked requires the approval of the supervisor and manager. Failure to have a written permission for overtime will lead to disciplinary action according to MSI’s disciplinary action policy and you will not be paid for this time. Written warning, suspension, and termination for subsequent offenses will be taken. Overtime will only be authorized in one our time blocks.
Together with your salary, you will receive a payslip that shows the itemized increase and decrease in your pay. For regular employees, their monthly basic pay will be halved for the first and second cut off. For the first cut off, the deductions will be absences, undertime, tardiness, and half of the total amount of your monthly loan payment to SSS and HDMF. For the second cut off, in addition to half of your monthly basic pay is your accumulated performance incentive based on your score card. The deductions in addition to your absences,undertime, tardiness, and half of the total amount of your monthly loan payment to SSS and HDMF are your contributions to government agencies namely Social Security System (SSS), Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF), and Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (Philhealth).
For Part timers, their pay will be based on the number of hours they worked in the first cut off. No deduction is applicable to them. For the second cut off, it is the same with the first cut off where the number of hours they have worked will be the computed. For their incentive, it will be based on the accumulated hours of the first and second cut off multiplied by the hourly rate of their incentive indicated in the contract. The total will be subject to adjustments based on the score card.
If MSI is served with a Judgment that someone has obtained against you, it may be legally necessary for a portion of your wages to be withheld to pay that Judgment (Garnishment Proceedings). Should you have any questions regarding your pay check or believe that an error has been made, please report it immediately to your manager or supervisor.
13th pay will be given on or before the mandated day as per DOLE Handbook. It will be given on a prorated basis for any employee that does not work the full year. 13th month pay will only be applicable to full time employees and not for part timers.
Full time employees are offered HMO upon regularization. Whether you receive this benefit will be clearly stated in your offer letter signed by MSI management. To these employees MSI pays 100% of the employee’s portion of health care costs. Additional family members may be added to our plan and a deduction from the employees’ pay will be made to cover these costs as permitted by the health insurance company.
Your earnings depend upon the accuracy of your time card. You are expected to clock in or clock out to your assigned time. Never enter any time card other than your own. Never change or forge any time card. Such actions are subject to disciplinary action including termination for first offense. If an error is made in entering your time card, immediately make a note and enter the corrected time. However, repeated adjustments are subject to disciplinary action. If you fail to record your time for any reason or if you have any time card problems, be sure to have a general manager sign your time report. If you are unable to clock in for any reason, you may not work unless directed by a manager. You must be clocked in whenever you are working, and likewise, you must be clocked out whenever you are not working for any reason. Your regular working hours may be changed by management at any time, and you may request alteration of your schedule on a temporary or permanent basis. However these changes to work hours must not affect business operations and require Management approval.