Verify all products needed and the information we have on file.
I just wanted to explain how everything works here in MSI, your Medicaid insurance will be the one to cover these supplies and they only allow us to send out an order every 31 days. We ship it out thru UPS or DICOM. It usually takes 1-3 business days to be delivered, without weekends and holidays. The delivery company delivers supplies up until 8pm with no estimated time of arrival. When you received your first shipment, there will be a small packet of papers inside.
First page will be the order slip, it tells you what’s inside the order. Second page is our thank you letter, that has all of our information in it. Third page, a refer a friend form, if you know someone, a friend or a family member that needs the incontinence supplies and wound care products, as long as they have Medicaid Assistance you can refer them to us. Everything in the packet is for you to keep and read, it just touches base our patients rights and responsibilities. There will also be HIPPA and Privacy statement that you can look over.
We give a pre-order call every month. We will let you know when your order is about to go out. If there will be changes with the address, insurance, order, doctor and care manager’s info you should let us know. Also, if there will be enough supplies for that certain month that’s the best time to tell us.
If ever that the consumer will go into a hospital, nursing home or rehab, we should be notified because consumer’s insurance will not cover the items if consumer is in these facilities.
If ever that the consumer will go into a hospital, nursing home or rehab, we should be notified because consumer’s insurance will not cover the items if consumer is in these facilities.
Do you currently get these supplies through another company? If yes, the insurance ONLY allows one company to bill, so if you would like to come to our company you would need to terminate with the other company and we would need to know the last delivery date made with other supplier.31 days after the last delivery date from that company, you can get an order from us.
Also, I’m going to mail out of a consent form. That form just needs to be signed, dated and sent back to us. It gives us the permission to bill your insurance so you wont be billed for anything. We will put a self-addressed stamp envelope in there so you can mail it back. Once we get the script back from the doctor we will call the consumer to let them know of the delivery date.