frmOtherPayerID is a form where you can add Other Payer and Other Payer Codes also known as Carrier Codes used by Medicaid

  1. Billed InsPlan – drop down box where you can pick Name of Insurance that you wanted to bill


  1. InsPlan – drop down box where you can pick the name of insurance what patient have
  2. Name – name of insurance read by the Medicaid
  3. Code – Code read by Medicaid
  4. InsTypeCode – Insurance type read by the Medicaid
  5. Save New OtherPayerID – save new otherpayerid
  6. Clear Fields – Clear the text in InsPLanID, InsPlan, Name, Code and InsTypeCode
  7. Reload Table – query data from the database where billedinsplanID is equal to what insplanid we picked in BilledInsPlanID if there is no insurance in the BilledInsPlan so your PC don’t load many data)
  8. GridView where the data will be posted


  1. DoubleClick – It will load the text in the GroupBox of OtherPrayer
  2. Click – Selecting OtherPayer

9. Delete Selected Payer – Delete OtherPayerInsurance (Note: You can only delete the record if it is picked in the Grid View)
10. Delete Selected Payer – Delete OtherPayerInsurance (Note: You can only delete the record if it is picked in the GridView)
11. InsuranceID – InsuranceID

Saving Other Payer

  1. Pick insurance in BilledInsPlan
  2. Fill up OtherPayer fields
  3. Click Save new OtherPayerID
  4. Click reload Table (Optional)

Update OtherPayer

  1. Click Reload Table
  2. Double click any of the Insurance you want to edit and it will auto fill all the textbox inside Other Payers as shown in violet box.
  3. Edit field you want to change (Note: always click the 3.1 if you’re changing OtherPayer InsPlan)
  4. Click Update OtherPayerID
  5. Click Reload table (Optional)

Delete Other Payer

  1. Click Reload Table
  2. Click OtherPayer you want to delete (Note: Always pick other payer in the gridview if you are going to delete an otherpayer)
  3. Click Delete Selected Payer (Note: Be careful in clicking delete selected payer button it might cause irrational query loading if it happens)