How to Send 837 File to Medicare

  1. Log on to – (Username: Medical12 Password: Msiedi)

  2. Hover over claims web portal then Medical network service

  3. Select Upload 837

  4. Select the Browse button

  5. Select Billing Docs (\\sbse2)(V:)

  6. Billing Edi – Shortcut

  7. 837 Files

  8. Outgoing

  9. Double click on the file name 837P-MedB

  10. Click submit

  11. Under the submit button it should tell you if the file was accepted.

  12. Select Download Reports

  13. Click Check for new reports

  14. Continue to click check for new sports until you receive a 277 and 999 report

  15. Once you receive the 277 and 999 reports, save them in there proper place, a procedure on where to save these reports are listed below.

When all files have been saved you must remove the actual 837 Med B file from the out going folder.

  1. BillingDocs (\\sbse2)(V:)

  2. Billing Edi – Shortcut

  3. Billing 837 files

  4. Outgoing

  5. Right click the 837 – Med B file

  6. Select Cut

  7. Select the Back Blue arrow at the top of the page

  8. Click on Medicare

  9. Right click then press paste


  1. Log on to (Username: Medical12 Password: Msiedi)

  2. Hover over claims web portal then Medicare network service vendor.

  3. Select Download Reports/ ERNS.

  4. Click on check for new reports.

  5. When the new reports appear select the green arrow on the left side of the 277 report.

  6. At the bottom of the page an orange and white box will appear click the arrow on the right side of the save button then press save as.

  7. On the left side of the screen press Billing Doc (\\sbse2) (V:)

  8. Click Billing Edi – Shortcut

  9. Select the 277 files folder

  10. Press incoming 277s folder then click save.