- Go to Internet Explorer
- Go to https://online.instamed.com/providers/Form/Account/Login
- Enter
- User ID
- Password
- Corporate ID – MSI.INC
- Click LOGIN
- Click on the History Tab
- Click drop down arrow in the DATE field
- select LAST 7 days
- Click SEARCH
- Click SUMMARY next to the file that you want to download – All files that need to be downloaded should be Blue
- Click Easy Print at the top of the screen.
- Note the Payer Name of the report
- Note the Payment date of the report
- Note the amount paid if any
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen
- Click the arrow next to SAVE and select SAVE AS
- Ensure that you are on the V drive under ElecRAs_HMO-3rd Party-COMM
- 16. Select the Payer Name from the list of Folders
- Select the year in which the EOB is for, such as 2015
- Change the file name to the following format if there is a payment
- INS_MM-DD-YYYY$9999.99 (x.06-05-2015$258.34)
- Where INS – is an abbreviation of the insurance name
- Where MM is month
- DD is day
- YYYY is four digit year
- $ the dollar sign is entered if there was a payment on the report
- If there was no payment the following format
- INS_MM-DD-YYYY$0.00 (ex. CGHS_06-05-20150.00)
- Where MM is month
- DD is Day
- YYYY is four digit year
- Now copy the file you just created to V:\Downloaded Ras\Instamed
- Go back to the top and Click EDI
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen
- Click the arrow next to SAVE and select SAVE AS
- Ensure that you are on the T drive under T:Billing EDI\835 Reports\RAs To Import\Downloaded Files\IM
- Select the year in which the EOB id for, such as 2015
- Select the Payer Name from the list of the Folders
- Change the file name to the following format
- 835_IM_XXXXXX_YYYYMMDDhhmmss (ex:835_IM_CGHSXX_20150624112236)
- Where XXXXXX- is an abbreviation of the insurance name
- Where YYYY is the 4 digit yeat
- MM is the month
- DD is the day
- hh- is the hour
- mm- is the minutes
- ss- is the seconds
- Now copy the file you just created to T:\Billing EDI\835 Reports\Incoming 835s
- Once the file has been downloaded and saved click on the box
- Click on the drop down arrow under WORK FLOW STATUS
- Select Needs Review
- Click Update- and the line should turn Orange if it doesn’t click, update again.
- Deselect the file by clicking the box again – the check mark should disappear. If it doesn’t click until it does.
- Repeat steps 7 – 34 until all files have been downloaded and marked Needs Review.