Compacting/Bailing cardboard
Compacting and baling equipment reduces large amounts of salvaged items or solid waste to smaller, more manageable units by means of powered rams. Some of these salvage or waste items include:
- Paper or cardboard
- Cotton or textiles
- Metals
Balers compress the refuse material into bales (bound or unbound) for transport. They are extremely dangerous. The most common types of injury associated with baler operation include:
- Crushing
- Amputation of body parts
- Cuts on hands
- Eye injuries
The most common types of injury associated with baler operation include:
- Crushing
- Amputation of body parts
- Cuts on hands
- Eye injuries
Most of these injuries can be avoided by ensuring employees are properly trained, observing all safety standards, and utilizing all protective gear when operating the baler. From 2011-2012, 14 baler injuries were reported to OSHA with 8 of them being fatal (57%) A majority of the fatalities were avoidable. Causes included:
- Not following established operating procedures
- Reaching into equipment during operation
- Not properly tagging out equipment before clearing jams
- Co-workers energizing equipment while an employee was inside.
- Not following established safety guidelines
- Bypassing safety guards and kill switches
Eighteen is the minimum age requirement to operate this machine
- Employers shall provide workers with instruction and training in safe work methods before assigning them to operate, clean, service, maintain, or repair the equipment.
- The worker shall be responsible for using the safety features on the compactor or baler.
- The worker shall ensure that all persons are clear of the point of operation before starting up the machine or a compaction cycle.
- The employer shall inspect safety interlocks, switches, and other protective devices to ensure that they are not disabled or bypassed.
- The employer shall not permit operation of the baler unless these devices are fully functional.
Because ram motion ceases during a jam, workers may not recognize that the machine remains operational and the ram could activate inadvertently unless the power supply for the machine is disconnected. Whenever unjamming, performing maintenance, or repairing a baler, the machine should be deenergized and OHSA’s lockout/tagout procedures should be followed. Managers and Maintenance personnel are the only employees authorized to lockout/tagout equipment using established procedures. Assistant Managers and Lead Associates are not authorized to tagout equipment. Employees needing to lockout/tagout equipment need to contact one of those individuals listed above.
Machine Guarding
WORKERS should take the following steps to protect themselves from injury when operating or working near compacting and baling equipment:
- Never bypass or disable interlocks or control switches.
- Keep all equipment guards in place during operation.
- Before attempting to clear jammed material from a compactor or baler, power the baler down.
- Proper Operation
- Employees operating the balers must be trained in safe operation and use the required safety equipment which includes:
- Safety Gloves
- Safety Glasses (if baling brittle material such as plastics that may splinter or shatter)
Operating Procedures To make a new bale:
- Open the front door completely to a 90 degree angle.
- Go to the rear of the machine. Pull the chain and hook towards the ceiling and drop the chain towards the floor.
- Place a thin layer of cardboard on the bottom of the machine (cover the full area).
- Close the door and secure it by turning the wheel on the side.
- Fill the baler with textiles or cardboard. When full, run the machine by pulling down the safety gate ensuring it is seated completely.
- Push the “DOWN” button on the power panel on the side of the machine
- Operating Procedures
- Once the machine cycles it will return to the top and the gate will be open. Continue the same process until full.
- Once full, the machine will stop and a red light on the panel will be on solid – it is now a completed bale. Raise the ram by pushing the “UP” button until there is enough room to place cardboard over top of the clothes (cover area completely with a thin layer of cardboard)
- Push the “DOWN” button and the machine will cycle and stop. The “RED LIGHT” will come on indicating a completed bale. Push in the “EMERGENCY STOP” button on the power panel.
- Open the front door to a 90 degree angle
- lace six (6) baling wires through the designated slots and secure on the face (front) of the bale by running the wires through the end with the eyelet/hole and wrap around the wire 8-10 times. You can run the wire back through the eyelet/hole 5-6 times which will also secure the wire.
- Pull the gate door down again until it is fully seated and walk behind the baler. Pick up the hook and chain assembly and place the hook over the top of the baler ram (middle of baler inside open slot). Place a good pallet in the front of the baler making sure it is up against the base of the baler and in the center of it.
- Pull the “EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON” out on the panel and then push the “UP BUTTON” on the power panel. The machine will cycle up until the balers chain and hook assembly tip the bale forward onto the pallet.
- Remove the bale with a manual pallet jack, or forklift and begin the process again.
Wrapping a Stack of Boxes onto a Skid with Plastic Wrap
When a stack of boxes is ready to be shipped, it should be wrapped with shrink wrap to help prevent boxes from falling or the stack from toppling.
- Carefully move the stack to a clear area. There should be 3 to 4 feet of clearance between the skid and any other obstacle. This will help prevent you from hitting or tripping on objects while you are focused on shrink-wrapping.
- Pull 3-5 feet of plastic off of the roll. Adjust the tension of the plastic wrap dispenser if necessary. Proper tension of the dispenser is critical for assuring a tight wrap around the skid. If you are unsure about how much tension to use, ask your supervisor for assistance. Insert the end of the plastic wrap between the skid and one of the bottom boxes, so that the end will be held by the box and skid.
- Wrap the bottom layer of boxes by slowly walking around the skid at least one and one-half times. Be sure to partially wrap the skid itself to help insure that the boxes cannot slide off of the skid.
- Once the bottom layer of boxes is properly wrapped, wrap each layer of boxes by continually walking around the skid and elevating the plastic wrap. When completed the plastic wrap should spiral up to the top of the skid. Each revolution of the plastic wrap should overlap the lower revolution by approximately 2-3 inches. If you are wrapping a heavy stack of boxes then proceed to step 5 otherwise skip to step 6.
- Wrapping Heavier than Normal Stacks Instead of ending the wrap at the top, wrap the skid at least one full revolution at the top and then walk around the skid while lowering the roll of plastic wrap. As in your upward spiral each revolution of wrap should overlap the higher revolution by approximately 2-3 inches.
- Finishing the wrap When you reach the top (or bottom) of the stack of boxes, overlap the top layer of plastic by at least one-half revolution. Cut or carefully rip the plastic wrap and then press the end of the plastic wrap to the lower layer of plastic.
- Visually Inspect the Stack
- Visually inspect the skid and plastic wrap to ensure that the plastic wrap forms a continuous reasonably tight cocoon around the entire stack. If there are any significant gaps in the plastic, fill in these gaps by wrapping the missing area with at least one and one-half turns of plastic.
Removing boxes from a layer above your reach.
- Notice – when removing boxes from a stack above your normal reach, you must use a step stool or ladder.
- Never jump to pull a box off of a skid.
- Never climb on nearby stacks to pull items down from a skid.
- Never climb a chair, box or anything except a ladder or step stool.
- Never pull a box down using any object.
Please take the extra time to be safe. Management is aware that using a proper stool or ladder is often more time consuming, but your safety and prevention of damage to the products is more important than the few seconds that you will save by improperly removing boxes from a tall stack.
Tape Gun
How to load your Packing Tape Gun
Make sure gun is facing down, do not place hands or fingers near serrated edge.
- Push roll onto tape wheel on flat surface. Make sure tape unwind orientation has sticky side down
- Pull 5-6 in. of tape off with tape sticky side down between the tape roller and metal loading gate.
- Pull tape under the tape roller If tape does not unwind properly
How to operate your Packing Tape Gun
- Place tape gun 4-5 in. from top of box. Apply tape end firmly to the box. Pull back slowly and away from hand apply pressure to the box and as not cause injury.
- Glide the roller and tape across the surface at the carton seam. Make sure to keep constant contact with roller and box while keeping hands clear from blade.
- Continue down the opposite side of the box about 4-5 in. from the top. Tilt dispenser forward, pull down and twist to cut tape. Do not use hands to tear tape from edge.

Semi-automatic Strapping Machine
These machines require a little more operator involvement than automatic machines, as the user feeds in the strapping manually around each parcel they wish to strap.
- Once the parcel has been placed onto the machine in the correct orientation, the user simply has to feed the strapping through, engage the machine, and the strapping is tightened to the set tension automatically and cut in one smooth simple action.
- To operate,
- Place the parcel in the specified spot on the machine, so that the position of the strap is in the correct place to wrap around the item
- Feed the strap over the top of the item and into the other side where it is fed back into the machine
- Engaging the machine with the on button will then tighten and tension the strap, cut and seal it securely around the parcel
- Strap order together twice on width side of box, rotate and once around length
- Remove and place on skid for wrapping
- Do not operate the machine with the tabletops or covers removed.
- Make sure the proper voltage is being used to operate the machine.
- Never put any part of your body near, under or into a moving machine.
- Do not operate the machine with any safety devices removed or disabled.
- Follow instructions provided in this manual.
- Only trained people should operate this machine.
- Do not attempt to strap any part of your body.
- Do not overload the machine by exceeding the performance limitations specified in this manual.
- Shut off and lock out all electrical power before performing any maintenance procedure.
- Use the correct tools and parts to repair the machine.
- Only trained people should service the machine.
- Follow instructions provided in this manual.
- Do not touch the heater and the surrounding area. The heater operates at approximately 608 deg F. (320 deg C). Allow sufficient time for the heater to cool down.
- The machine should be placed on a level floor and the surrounding area should be kept free of debris and discarded strap.
- If you are unsure about the operation or the maintenance of the machine, contact your supervisor-do not attempt to fix on your own.
Order processing for shipping
- Off the ORDER FORM- orders will arrive from picking area to shipping area on a cart
- Take the order form from the first order, double check all supplies and quantities to ensure they match (ADD CHUX IF INDICATED ON THE ORDER)
- Once items are confirmed and you are ready to sign off on the order as complete, place packing slip and any additional literature (privacy letter, refer a friend form, etc) inside one box, box all items in same size boxes to ensure strapping materials will hold entire order (if boxes are not uniform, they will be subject to movement during transit which will cause weakening to the integrity of the strapping materials and tape-order may break apart. If this happens, the cons will not receive order on time and cause additional costs to UPS for investigations, returns and replacement orders)
- Place tape around the boxes-when taping and securing, please remember these consumers are old, and our tape is very strong-one to two pieces is plenty to secure.
- Tape 1” on side, bring up over the top, continue in a straight line, secure to opposing side of box
- If order has multiple boxes, place all boxes on top of one another, strap together using strapping machine.
- Place strapped, completed order onto scale, scan the order from bar code
- Take printed label, large label onto box, smaller onto order form and place in basket for filing.
- Move order from the scale to pallet.
Pallet Jack
Make safety your priority. THIS IS A TOOL NOT A TOY. Do not use pallet jack without proper training prior, and always refresh yourself with procedure page before each use. You must be wearing proper foot attire (only closed toe, safe step/no slip shoes are permitted-if possible wear steel toe work boots) and gloves whenever operating.
Inspect both the Pallet and Jack for problems-if upon inspection you find issues notify management immediately and find an alternative.
Points to inspect for:
- Jack: looks bent or rusty, missing pieces, doesn’t operate smoothly, making unusual noises
- Pallet: broken or damaged, rotted or unstable, whether load is centered/secured or appears to to exceed the listed weight rating
Overlook your intended route before lift anything to ensure it’s clear from obstruction like uneven flooring, inclines/declines, sharp turns, areas with high traffic. DO NOT BLINDLY NAVIGATE YOUR ROUTE-for extended or challenging routes, recruit a spotter to walk ahead of you while transporting the load
Lifting a Pallet
1. Slide the forks completely under the center of the pallet. Place both hands on the handle of the jack. Then, guide the forks beneath the pallet until the section of the jack at the base of the forks is resting against the side of the pallet. Center the forks under the pallet as precisely as you can.
- Before starting, make sure the forks are lowered, the handles are locked in an upright position, and the actuating lever is set to neutral, which is its default position. This is the proper setup for any manual pallet jack when it’s not in use.
2. Push and hold the actuating lever down to engage the lifting mechanism. Most jack models have an easy-to-find actuating lever—it’s often red—built into the handle. Pushing or squeezing the lever downward usually does 2 things: it engages the hydraulic lifting mechanism and it unlocks the handle from its upright position.
- Consult the product guide if you’re not 100% sure where the actuating lever is or how it functions.
3. Pump the handle down and up until the pallet is 1in (2.5cm) off the floor. If you’ve ever used a car jack or seen one in action, the process is a bit similar. Pumping the handle down and up causes the forks to very slowly rise vertically. After every 2-3 pumps, check the pallet—once the bottom of it is elevated approximately (but not more than) 1in (2.5cm), stop pumping the handle.
- Elevating the pallet higher than this decreases stability and increases the likelihood of accidents.
- Never place your hand, foot, or anything else under the load when checking the elevation of the pallet. A heavy load can easily cause catastrophic crush injuries if the jack fails.
4. Set the lever to the neutral position before moving the load. When you’re done pumping the handle, return it to its upright position and let go of the actuating lever. In most cases, the lever will automatically return to the neutral position. This position disengages the hydraulic mechanism and locks the handle in place.
- Never try to move the load if the handle is not securely locked in place. Otherwise, you may unwittingly jack up the pallet to an unsafe height.