The following actions on the part of an employee will be cause for discharge upon first offense:
- Stealing private, customer, or company property, including removal of articles from company premises such as office supplies, coffee and lunch room supplies, or any products sold by MSI, regardless of value.
- Willful refusal to obey orders of company management during working hours or intentionally restricting production/output of work, insubordination or willful disobedience, and sleeping while clocked in.
- Deliberate destruction or abuse of company, co-workers, or customer property, or physical/verbal fighting on company property; threats made on company property of physical violence, or threats made anywhere or anytime to a company employee, customer, supervisor, manager, or officer of the company.
- Possession on company property or in any vehicle parked on company property, of any drugs, explosives, fireworks, pornographic materials, or opened alcohol. Also, engaging in illegal or indecent conduct on company premises.
- Possession on company property or in any vehicle parked on company property, of any weapons or knives except by police or law enforcement or by special written permission from MSI management.
- Working while “under the influence” of alcoholic beverage or illegal drugs. MSI must be advised by your physician of your workplace precautions if you are on prescription drugs that may affect your ability to work safely. Failure to inform MSI if you are taking any prescription medicine that affects your safety will result in termination.
- Engaging in company sabotage or the unauthorized disclosure of business information, or competing with the company in any way.
- Falsification, unauthorized destruction or deletion, or misuse of records and medical records for patients, physicians, or any other records owned by MSI; submitting false information or omitting pertinent information on employment application; falsification, unauthorized destruction or deletion, or misuse of expense records and/or false records for drivers.
- Temporarily or permanently removing from the company premises company books, records, correspondence, or other documents of any kind without the written permission of management.
- Suspension of driver’s license if the employee’s work requires driving; use of company vehicles or equipment, without permission, for any unauthorized purpose
- Disloyalty, including, but not limited to, the making of derogatory comments, demeaning statements, or giving information which otherwise casts discredit upon the company, its products and/or services, its officers, and its employees. No comments, regardless of nature, may be made to news media, outside agencies, companies, or general public without consent of the president or CEO.
- Failure to have either a sales invoice from company or written delivery instructions from company for any Company property in the employee’s possession off company premises, or consumes or uses while on company property for non-work related purposes and failure to report or enter on company records all cash and other rental and sales transactions.
- Punching another employee’s time card or having one’s time card punched by another.
- Conduct at work which is dangerous to others, including horseplay, and results in the injury of another employee, disregard of a reasonable standard of behavior., unethical behavior, fraud, forgery or related crimes that indicate a propensity for dishonesty.
- Deliberate failure to comply with compliance program, HIPAA regulations, or in any way attempt to defraud any MSI stakeholder either for personal or company gain.
- Violating the cell phone policy; having cell phone on persons during shift while clocked in, taking photos with personal phone for any reason, etc.
Cell phones are a sensitive part of the Hippa law-at no time are you permitted to have your phone on the floor while working. Family must be directed to the main office number for emergencies. Violation of this offense can be punishable by law!