- MS Access
- Order Processing
- Future Order Processing
- To date then from date (no time) then update list
- Odd/Even – Tandem
- Click the price codes (Alleg 2, AO 2, Countries 3, MCaid PA, MCO PA, Options 2, Pa/Ma,PCA)
- Fo Note should be: “Ready or POC Done”
- Choose cons # (double click)
- Check Notes – poc, elig.
- Fo Detail, cons demographics, poc, elig, rx on file, apa status should be all “Green”
- Click small box – Notes section then refresh
- “Create Order” button
- “Save Order”
- “Send to WH” and click ok
- Wait for the thank you letter to pop up]
- Order Form – pack slip (wait until it close)
- Proceed to Calendar – near notes section and copy the reminder date
- Set all “Y Dates”
- If the MSI Privacy Letter = this month (put a check together with the order)
- X items should be the same with the reminder date.
- Note the completed cons # then exit.
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