Forklift Trucks
Common factors in forklift hazards
The following factors can contribute to forklift truck accidents.
Systems – Features of forklift operations
–Lack or improper training of workers for those portions of their jobs that involve interaction with forklift trucks.
–Production factors – speed, stress.
–Lack of availability of tools and attachments and accessories.
–Improper assignment of forklifts and operators.
–Poor maintenance of forklifts.
–Age of forklifts.
Behavioural / operational factors
–Improper backing up.
–Improper turning.
–Improper warnings to others of forklift presence.
–Requesting / giving rides on the forklift or load.
–Walking and working in the general area of forklift operations.
–Poor communication during shared tasks, or in shared spaces.
–Parking the forklift.
–Improper blocking of wheels on semi-trailers and railway cars.
–Non-acceptable behaviours, horseplay, showoff driving, jerky driving.
–Inadequate servicing of the forklift.
Observable characteristics of the workplace
–Narrow aisles.
–Crowded, cluttered aisels.
–Intersections and doors.
–Concentrations of traffic.
–Condition of driving surface.
–Other conditions – noise, odours, toxic gases, dust, lighting.
–Many ramps, different surfaces.
–Condition of loading dock.
Characteristics of the load
–Poor palletizing.
–Pallets in poor repair.
–Load too heavy.
–Load unstable or blocking vision.
Features of the lift trucks
–Malfunction of brakes.
–Malfunction of steering.
–Malfunction of clutch, shift linkage, or transmission.
–Leaks in the hydraulic systems and/or transmission.
–Emissions from forklifts
–Obstructions of driver vision.